Glossary of Terms

  • Amomaly

    An irregular or unusual event which does not fit a standard rule or law. An anomaly is something which cannot be explained by currently accepted scientific theories. Anything weird, abnormal, strange, odd, or difficult to classify is considered an anomaly. 

  • Apparition

     A spirit apparition is the classic form of a ghost and the rarest paranormal phenomena. It is the partial or full (sometimes incomplete) form representing a person or animal who was once living and is presently passed on. Sometimes the apparition is transparent and sometimes it can look as if it were solid, but eventually disappears. 

  • Aura

    The field of energy that surrounds all living creatures, including human beings, animals and plants. Some people have the ability to see auras and can determine the health and emotions of an individual by the colour of their aura. Aura Photography is used to capture the aura on film, usually using Polaroid cameras and film. 

  • Automatic Writing

    To freely channel your higher self or another soul’s words, music, or art without the interruptive interference of the mind.

  • Clairaudience

    Hearing voices, astral music or discarnate beings. 

  • Clairvoyance

    To have lucid mental perceptions and keen insights about people and life situations and to have clear visual mental images, pictures, to “see” auras and other psychic phenomena. 

  • Demonologist

    One who studies and practices the art of demonology. An individual who specializes in the removal of evil or demonic forces from a given environment using the art of demonology. One who brings demonic forces out of their slumber to be cast away. Someone who uses the art of demonology to incantate demons for ones use in battling them. 

  • Divination

    To obtain unknown knowledge or future events from omens. Astrology may be considered divination. 

  • Divining Rod

    A forked rod from a tree said to indicate the presence of water or minerals underground. 

  • Dowsing

    To be able to find underground water and/or underground minerals. 

  • Electromsgnetic Field

     Is a physical field produced by electrically chargedobjects. It affects the behaviour of charged objects in the vicinity of the field. The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. It is believed that spirits are comprised of energy. In order to speak, make a noise or manifest in the form of an apparition and need to gather energy to do so. They use electricity to “build up” energy to give them enough power to make themselves known from the other side. EMF detectors are often used by us to measure electromagnetic fields at a location. After taking a base reading of the location, any fluctuation by an EMF detector that happens in conjunction with a noise, sighting or EVP recording, might possibly indicate the presence of a spirit. If you know the locations of the natural electrical energy of the location and have the base readings, any fluctuation in the meters can be a valuable asset to the investigator. 

  • EMF Meter

    A scientific instrument for measuring electromagnetic fields (abbreviated as EMF). Most meters measure the electromagnetic radiation flux density (DC fields) or the change in an electromagnetic field over time (AC fields), essentially the same as a radio antenna, but with quite different detection characteristics. 

  • Empathy

    Rarely used in modern parapsychology, the popular usage of this term refers to a low-level form of telepathy wherein the empath appears to be aware of the emotional state of a distant person. An empath may also be able to “broadcast” emotions to others. 

  • ESP

    Extrasensory perception (ESP) is the knowledge of external objects or events without the aid of the senses. 

  • Estes Method

    It is a paranormal investigation technique designed to enhance communication with spirits through sensory deprivation and spirit box responses. Developed in 2016 at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado, by paranormal investigators Karl Pfeiffer, Connor Randall, and Michelle Tate, the method was created to eliminate bias and interference during ghost investigations.

  • Ganzfield

    A state of mild sensory deprivation, characterised by the presentation of homogenous sensory fields. Thus, a person in Ganzfeld will have diffusive plastic hemispheres over their eyes while in a dimly red-lit room, be listening to white noise through headphones, and be seated in a comfortable, semi-reclined chair. Its use in parapsychology is based on a noise-reduction model. 

  • Intution

    Act of knowing without the use of usual rational processes. Based partly on subconscious pattern association of known information, and partly on subconscious psi impressions. 

  • Out of body experience


  • Paranormal

    Is a general term that designates experiences that lie outside “the range of normal experience or scientific explanation” or that indicates phenomena that are understood to be outside of science’s current ability to explain or measure. Paranormal phenomena are distinct from certain hypothetical entities, such as dark matter and dark energy, insofar as paranormal phenomena are inconsistent with the world as already understood through empirical observation coupled with scientific methodology. 

  • Parapsychology

    Literally beyond psychology. The study of apparent new means of communication, or interaction, between organisms and their environment (commonly referred to as psi, or psychic ability), beyond those presently understood by the scientific community. 

  • Past Life

    To remember or have mental flashes about living in another century. 

  • Poltergeist

    A general term applied to a variety of site-, or sometimes person-, specific physical phenomena. These can include temperature variations, anomalous sounds, and movement of physical objects. The word ‘poltergeist’ literally means ‘noisy spirit’ and was coined back when such phenomena were thought to be due to the presence of some sort of mischievous entity. Currently, poltergeist phenomena are usually considered to be related either to unusual physical conditions at the affected site, or to be related to psychokinesis. Anecdotal reports suggest that many poltergeists focus on an individual under some form of emotional stress. 

  • Precognition

    Pre-knowing; where non-deductible information about a future event is acquired. 

  • PSI

    A general term for para-psychological phenomena that includes informational (RV, ESP) and energetic (PK) effects. 

  • Psychic

    Popular term used to denote a person who regularly uses, or who appears to be especially gifted with, PSI abilities. Also refers to general phenomena related to the mind 

  • Psychometry

    To touch an object with your hands and get information about the object, it’s creator, its owner, or its history. 

  • Scrying

    A term used to cover a wide range of divination techniques which parapsychology would tend to classify as types of ESP. Most crying techniques involve some degree of fixation on a surface with a clear optical depth (e.g. a crystal ball, a pool of ink or deep water) or on an area which shows random patterns (e.g. flames in a fire, smoke), the idea being that subconscious information available to the scrying will be manifested in their interpretation of the imagery or random patterns they see. Techniques using a clear optical depth are actually very similar to the idea behind the homogenous visual field used in Ganzfeld ESP research. 

  • Sensory Deprivation

    A technique that involves reducing or eliminating sensory input—such as sight, sound, and touch—to alter perception and heighten awareness. This can be achieved through methods like blindfolding, noise-canceling headphones, or sensory deprivation tanks filled with saltwater. The goal is to create an environment where external stimuli are minimized, allowing the brain to focus on internal sensations, thoughts, and possibly even heightened awareness of subtle external factors.

  • Singapore Theory

    Is a paranormal research technique used during ghost investigations that involves recreating historical conditions, sounds, or events to trigger supernatural activity. The idea is that by replicating elements of a spirit’s time period—such as playing period music, dressing in historical clothing, or reenacting certain activities—the spirits may recognize their familiar environment and attempt to interact.

  • Spirit

     Thought to be the soul of a human being or animal. The willpower and driving force behind the soul. The essence of a formerly living person. The energy that remains after the body dies. Because a spirit is the energy of a former living person, they should be no more frightening then the person was while they were alive. 

  • Supernatural

    Something that exists or occurs through some means other than any known force in nature. As opposed to paranormal, the term often connotes divine or demonic intervention. 

  • Telekinesis

    To move an object or your body without physical means. 

  • Telepathy

    To know what others are thinking as if to hear thoughts in your head. Thought transference including the sending and receiving of thoughts. 

  • Trance Mediumship

    Trance mediumship allows a spirit being to take control of the body, mind and energy of the medium, to a varying degree, for the purpose of communication, spoken or written. This happens while their consciousness steps aside. It is the deepest level of mediumship.

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